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Urban Gardeners Basil Italian Herb 100 Seeds Pack , Sweet Basil


Urban Gardeners Basil Italian Herb 100 Seeds Pack , Sweet Basil


  • Quality Seeds
  • Original Seeds Brand Packing
  • Basil Italian Herb 100 seeds pack by Urban Gardeners
  • Picture is an indication of kind only


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Prepare soil mixed with organic manure or compost before sowing the seeds after all frost and check soil is clean from any weed or insect open the seed packet on a white sheet of paper as while opening the seeds might fall, which are not visible to naked eyes after preparing the soil, sprinkle the seeds over the soil cover the seeds with little soil or press with gentle hand while watering, care needs to be taken to only sprinkling water through a sprinkler or manually using your hands do not use pipe or a mug to water for the first week, as the force of water might damage the seed germination process. Germination may take place 10-18 days, depending upon different varieties. For herbs or small seeds variety special care needs to be taken cover the sowing area with transparent polythene in evening for fast germination all flowers, tomatoes, chilli, peppers, brinjal etc all needs to be transplant once the plant is 3-4 inch. All varieties require very less water and need sunlight min 2-3 hours daily for winter variety 1-2 hours sun is fine for germination process.

Weight .3 kg
Dimensions 10 × 5 × 3 cm


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