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Urban Gardeners Sunflower Helianthus Teddy Bear – Desi Flower 50 Seeds


Urban Gardeners Sunflower Helianthus Teddy Bear – Desi Flower 50 Seeds


  • Sow when the night temp is 25-30°C
    Plant  Height: 60 cm
    Flower Size: 10-12 cm across
    Sowing distance: 45 cm Plant to Plant
    Best for: Bed sowing/Borders
    Sowing method: Seedling


Return : 6 Days

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Sunflowers say summer like no other plant.Sunflower packet contains 35 seeds.

Sunflowers are annuals with showy, daisylike flower-heads that are usually 2-4 inches across and bright yellow (though occasionally red). Tall and course, the plants have creeping or tuberous roots and large, bristly leaves. Today, varieties have even been developed for small spaces and containers.

Most sunflowers are remarkably tough and easy to grow as long as the soil is not waterlogged. Most are heat- and drought-tolerant. They make excellent cut flowers and many are attractive to bees and birds.Smaller plants with big-time flower power. Striking compact, low-growing sunflower fills vase after beautiful vase with luminous, long-stemmed, brown-eyed, golden flowers. Heavy-branching, floriferous 20-30 feet tall plants will keep your home aglow with joyous blooms.

Weight .3 kg
Dimensions 10 × 5 × 3 cm


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