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Urban Gardeners Dalbergia sissoo, Indian rosewood, Shisham, Sheesham deciduous Tree Seeds – Pack of 30 Seeds


Urban Gardeners Dalbergia sissoo, Indian rosewood, Shisham, Sheesham deciduous Tree Seeds – Pack of 30 Seeds


  • Sissoo seeds, cuttings and container seedlings are best planted in the spring
  • The seeds will remain viable for a few months, but you can store them for up to four years in a sealed container
  • Soak the seeds in water for two days before sowing; 60 to 80 percent should germinate in one to three weeks
  • Seedlings and young trees are demanding in light but sensitive to wildfires


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Shisham is a medium to large deciduous tree, native to India, with a light crown which reproduces by seeds and suckers.

Shisham is a medium to large deciduous tree, native to India, with a light crown which reproduces by seeds and suckers.Pods are oblong, flat, thin, strap-like 4-8 cm long, 1 cm wide, and light brown. They contain 1-5 flat bean-shaped seeds 8-10 mm long.

Weight .3 kg
Dimensions 10 × 5 × 3 cm


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